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Sunday, January 08, 2006

Such were the Exploits

Written by Gus Gonet a good friend of mine.

2 Samuel 23:8
"These are the names of the Lord's might men:

Nick-Basshebeth, a Lowelite, was chief of the Three, he rode down the summit
lift trail at Gunstock against eight hundred patrollers, whom he dashed in one

Next to him was Gus, son of Charlie, the Durhamite. As one of the
three mighty
men, he was with the Lord when he snow shoed Mt. Major in early February. He
sang songs of praise at the summit. Though most of the snow had retreated, he
still shredded down with his board.

Next to him was Adam, son of the tuna fisherman, a Glouscesterman. Soldiers
gathered at a place called Hopkinton, but Adam stood his ground in the middle
of the field and finished the Boston marathon.

Such were the exploits of the Three.

On one occasion, Gus, son of Charlie, the Durhamite, and Nick-Basshebeth, the
Lowelite, who was chief of the Three, though not counted among the thirty,
worked together and struck down twenty miles of trail including six 4000-foot
peaks in steady rain.

At another time, Adam, son of a tuna fisherman, and Gus were together
when they
beat down Doubleback Mountain twice in one day, smothering it with their

Rarely were the three all together, though one night, while it was still dark,
the three, including the chief among them, set out with headlamps to slaughter
the Tripyramid peaks. They won easily that morning, and did pushups as a
victory dance.

Such were the exploits of the Lord's mighty men."


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